Check out that big smile!
This is Micah, a 12 year old that is unfortunately battling Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) - a genetic disorder characterized by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness due to the alterations of a protein called dystrophin that helps keep muscle cells intact.
That said, riding a traditional bike has had it's challenges for Micah.
Here's the wonderful feedback we received from his mother - Kami - in December '21:
"Thank you so much for the Liberty Trike that you gifted me son this fall! Micah is almost 12 years old with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. He is doing really well so far and can still walk and do most things, but riding a bike had become difficult for him. He had a regular kid bike, but was still on training wheels due to balance issues. Also, if we were going further than 1/4 mile, I had to tow him behind my bike because he lacked the muscle endurance to go further distances. He used to love riding his bike, but the last few years he just hasn't wanted to do it anymore. We looked into an e-bike or e-trike for him, but the cost was daunting. That's when another DND mom recommended your program for SMA kids. I applied and worked with Kin Heinrich, who has been so wonderful in this process. We were so grateful to be accepted and gifted a trike!!
We received the trike in record time this fall, but since the weather turned cold and snowed right before Thanksgiving, we decided to wait and give it to him for Christmas. We presented it to my son on Christmas day, but unfortunately in typical Ohio weather, it rained. He was finally able to take it out for a ride this Sunday, and the weather was sunny and in the 60's! He got the hang of it really quickly, and we went for a mile loop around the neighborhood and kept up with his brother! He hasn't done that on his own on a bike in years! He was really happy, and it made me happy to see him doing fun outdoor things again!I can't wait until this spring when we can go to some of our favorite bike trails.
I just wanted to express my thanks to you and EBT for this awesome gift!"
Micah - we are beyond thrilled that the trike has allowed you to get out and doing an activity you once enjoyed so much. Keep at it, buddy - you got this!
We truly enjoy nothing more than putting big smiles on faces - much like the one you see on Micah. These kids deserve to be able to get out and embrace the simple joys in life.
On that note, we can't wait to announce something exciting VERY soon. Stay tuned!