The Liberty Trike has a top speed of about 11.5 mph normally. Sometimes, this is too fast, though. It is important when you are first learning to ride the trike to go slower. It's also important to go slower through turns.
You can control your top speed by using the + and - arrows on the control pad. There are 5 levels, providing 20% increments for controlling the assist level.
- Top Speeds: 5 = 12 mph, 4 = 9 mph, 3 = 7 mph, 2 = 4 mph, and 1 = 2 mph

When you're going up steep hills, adjust to level 4 or 5 if you've been using a lower level on flat ground - the extra power will help you get up the hill.
Some of our customers have been asking us to limit the top speed of their trike. You can do this by changing the settings on the screen to disable the higher Assist Levels. For instance, if you adjust it so that "3" is the max assist level, then you won't be able to turn it up higher than 3, and your top speed will be about 7mph. The procedure is as follows:
Limit Power Output:
- Hold + and - for 3 seconds
- Screen will now say EC-n
- Hold + and - for 3 seconds
- Enter password: 1212 using up and down keys. Set advances digits
- Screen will now say SCa 0-5
- Use the up and down arrows to select the max (4, 3, 2, or 1)
If you're ordering a new Liberty Trike and need it to be adjusted, let us know and we can set it up for you during assembly, so you don't have to do it at home.